Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Sleeping In Seattle

We crossed the Columbia River (?) into Seattle on Tuesday afternoon and missed the exit for our hotel. Thanks to Garmin, we successfully navigated through the busy, crowded streets, something we are not used to after a few weeks of Iowa, South Dakota, Montana, and Idaho. I think there are about 8 million miles of roads and only about 2,000 people total in those states. We found the Mediterranean Inn and pulled right into the open space on the road! What luck! Then we checked in, but the parking garage has a height restriction of 6’6”. With our roof box, the RAV is about 6’9”. Bad luck. But the first 6 spaces of the garage are at 7 feet and there is one left! Great luck, we can fit in the garage!

There is a Starbucks right in the lobby of the hotel (what luck! – of course this is Seattle) and they are having a Frappucino happy hour (what luck!) with free samples of cake, too (what luck!). Since we are the only two people in the place who seem interested in the free stuff, they pull out the hula hoops (what luck!) I am drafted into a hula hoop competition with one of the Starbuckians (she seems vaguely embarrassed because we are heading out to the street). I tell them that I am a 5th level blackbelt hula hooper. I crush her with my hip swinging and trick hooping and win the grand prize – two free half pound bags of Starbucks coffee! (what luck!). The poor Starbuckian is left weeping in the street and is immediately fired from her job. I convince them to hire her back, as it was unfair and I am a 5th level blackbelt hula hooper. They hire her back (what luck!).

So far, Seattle is a great and fair city.


At 3:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay Mr. Blackbelt hula hooper you might be, but Mr. Geographer you're not. I do believe the Columbia River separates WA and OR and runs East to West emptying out at Astoria. I'm wondering which river you actually crossed into Seattle and from where. Or was it Lake Washington? You'll cross the Columbia when you enter Portland, the greatest city in the land :-)

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Tim said...

Yes, we crossed Lake Washington. Nice catch, I was hoping someone would speak up! We did cross the Columbia River somewhere in Washington, though, as it was clearly marked.


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