Friday, April 21, 2006

Driving in Neutral

I read a poem this morning (everyone should read a poem in the morning), called Driving in Neutral, and was struck by the last stanza. Fitting for The-Trip-That-Is-Soon-Approaching!

Life's meaning won't be found in human words, so often full of rage,
apology and grim regret. It's found instead in silence -- speechless, breathless,
in the summer rain, the rustle of leaves in the wind, a child playing with a dog,
a hawk soaring in the sun, a moonlit walk at midnight, when time stops --
when the Earth connects you to her soul, and whispers:
"Love without bounds, open your senses and your heart
and experience the wonder-full and ever-deepening joy
that comes from being one with us -- you're home
and there is nothing here to fear."


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