Monday, June 19, 2006

Friday night at the campground

We arrived at the Bridge Bay campground at about 7:00 and checked in. As we drove in to the campground we thought “hhhmmmm…this is a lot bigger than we thought. And why are there no trees?” (Lisa’s first reaction was, “Wow, I hate this already.” Always the optimist!) We kind of realized at that point that this could suck, but what are you going to do at 7:00 p.m. on a Friday night but make the best of it. One of the problems with our lack of internet access on the road is that it’s much harder to be spontaneous. You just have to show up places and hope for the best. Imagine our dismay when our campsite was next to two families with a total of 7 kids and 4 adults and 3 tents. We’re kind of at that point when all we want is 30 minutes of peace and quiet. In the words of George H.W.: not gonna happen. Actually, I think that's Dana Carvey imitating GHWB, but you get the idea. It wasn’t so bad at first because we still had to set up our tent and cook dinner. We turned on the iPod and cranked it up while we cooked and ate. Another issue was that the temperature kept dropping. We finally had to go to bed around 10:00 because we were frickin freezing. The temperature ended up dropping to 31 degrees. Finally around 11:00, Tim (Mr. Conflict Avoidance) became so irritated that he shoved his head out of the tent and said “could you people keep your voices down……..please!”. Sadly, his plea had limited effect. In the end, it took earplugs, a fleece sleeping bag over our heads, a regular sleeping bad and pillow over my head (plus 2 sleeping pills, who’s kidding who) to get me (Lisa) to sleep. Also, the hypothermia may have played a small role. Oh, then the campers from hell got up at 4:40 a.m. and started talking at full volume. On the way out of campground I asked Tim if it made me a bad person if I wanted to go dump a gallon of water on their sleeping bags while they were away. Tim said only if it made him a bad person if he had been thinking about urinating on their tents.

We may both end up in hell, but as long as those people aren’t there, at least it’ll be quiet.


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