Pat Winters' Whitewater Adventure Tours
We did some more whitewater adventure with Pat. He guided us through some class -V rapids, avoided several waterswirls and cataracts, and expertly demonstrated some world class fly fishing on the mighty Bitterroot River.
We learned some valuable lessons on that trip:
- Pick your route and stay the course.
- Make a decision before you get to the sandbar.
- Put your back into it for more power.
- Sometimes simpler is better.
- A good steak is worth paying for.

Pat, how much are you charging for your Whitewater Adventure Tour? Hopefully it's the same amount my father pays your brothers to get his lawnmower fixed at the shop...which is a case of Bud, a case of coke, and a box of Devil Dogs.
Looks like you guys are all having a good time. All the pictures look sunny, I forget what the sun looks like.
It was close - an 18 pack of Coors Light, a turkey sandwich, and some chili cheese chips. Well worth it!
Hahaha, I was very close
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