Astoria and Fort Clatsop

We left Seattle this morning, and 350 miles later, my lovely bride was unready for the romance of the pepperoni pineapple pizza, wine in plastic cups, and the lovely Red Lion Hotel of Astoria, Oregon. I believe she swooned.
<-- this is not our hotel in Astoria.
Astoria was the fur trading capital of the Northwest in the late 1700's, but you knew that already. Our good friends Lewis and Clark made their way here in 1805 and hung out for a few months before turning around and walking back to Washington, DC. Lisa and I made a quick stop at Fort Clatsop, the winter headquarters of the Corps of Discovery.

Are you sure that isn't Tonto?
pepperoni and pineapple pizza, still my favorite, but I add some black olives too. Glad you made it to Mt. St. Helen's too.
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