Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Park City, Utah

For years I have wanted to go to Park City, Utah, for little reason other than that it sounds like a cool place. It fits in my world of cool sounding places with Moab and Telluride, places that were on our original itinerary but were scrapped when we took a different route to head back east. So, a lot was riding on Park City. Our friend Maryann’s brother has lived out here (I think…or it might be Moab…I get confused) and I’ve heard good things. Earlier that morning in SLC Tim had seen a brochure for zipline rides and said “ooooohhhh, that’s the one thing I really wanted to do for outside stuff on this trip!!!!” What luck—it was in Park City, Utah!!

So, as I mentioned above, it was 90 degrees and sunny when we left Salt Lake City. Twenty-five minutes later, when we were pulling into Park City it was ominously cloudy. Then, we pulled into the visitor center, which was closed for lunch. Hmmmm….hey—there’s the Olympic Park, let’s go there! Great! That’s where the zipline is…and the bobsleds and the alpine slide. Suddenly it started pouring rain. Pouring! And the temperature started dropping, all the way down to 57 degrees. And then the hail began, pelting the car while we sat in the parking lot. There we sat, eating my leftovers and marveling at the weather in Utah, because naturally, you can’t have people ziplining off an Olympic ski jump while it’s hailing and lightning. We ended up driving into downtown Park City, which has a decent sized main street with art galleries, shops and restaurants. We also drove around to check out the houses in town, which are often perched on precariously steep cliffs surrounding the ski resorts.


At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jimmy and Laurie do live on the south side of Park City. Its great up there isn't it. Always so much nicer than SLC. And that is where we attended the Winter Olympics.


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