Monday, June 26, 2006

Pit toilets

I don’t know if any of you recall the first time you used a porta-potty. Before I used one I remember thinking they must be the most vile, horrible, things to ever exist. Then I used one and…eh…not that bad. Today we did a great hike in Glacier to Avalanche Lake. You try to be good and drink a lot of water but then you realize that could be problematic. About ¾ of the way to the top of the hike I asked Tim if he thought there would be what we have taken to calling “pee huts” at the top. He didn’t think so. Imagine my happiness when we saw a sign for a “pit toilet”. I asked Tim what that meant and he said it was basically the same kind of vault toilet we’d been using all over the northwest. Yeah, except that it was straight out of the movie Trainspotting. I may need to have kidney surgery later, but I’m pretty sure I saved myself from other, more deadly, diseases by fleeing the pit toilet.


At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I visited a Pit toilet at Slide Rock in AZ. I didn't know what it was either and ran as far away as I could after walking into it. I still remember that smell.

At 8:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, god willing............I'll never have occasion to use the Pit toilet~

At 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Breathing through your mouth is key. Also, don't touch anything and you should be okay. The ones really to avoid are the communal ones with several holes.


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