Tuesday, April 25, 2006


OK all you Tim and Lisa fans, we are looking for suggestions. You know what we are doing on this trip - seeing America. It's a big country out there and you all have seen a lot of it. Tell us (use the comments button) your top five places, sights, or things out there that you think we have to see. If we get to your top spot, we'll take a picture and even send you good, positive karma from that spot! Go ahead, tell us where to go. Just to get you started, these are my top 5, in no particular order:
  1. Niagara Falls
  2. Mt. Rushmore
  3. Grand Canyon
  4. Graceland
  5. Mt. St. Helens.

Ga$ Price$

As we start to think about the cost of driving around the country, I may need to keep this map handy. It shows the average price per gallon by county. Zoom in and you can get down to the exact zipcode you are in. Tres cool! I think I'll be filling up in Wyoming and Montana as much as possible.

Monday, April 24, 2006

History? or Poetry?

OK, this is not on the topic of our Trip, but, if you know me, and I think you do, then you know I think this is important:
On this day in 1916, the Easter Rebellion began on the streets of Dublin. The British police extinguished the rebellion a few days later. Called "the poet's rebellion," it was led by six patriotic poets and men of letters including Patrick Pearse and James Connolly. They barged inside and read their "Proclamation of Independence" to a baffled crowd. The rebellion seemed hopelessly unsuccessful until the British government valorized many of the rebels by executing them a few weeks later. The executions set in motion a movement for Irish nationalism, and in 1921 Ireland finally achieved independence from Great Britain—except for the six northernmost counties of the island that comprise Northern Ireland.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Driving in Neutral

I read a poem this morning (everyone should read a poem in the morning), called Driving in Neutral, and was struck by the last stanza. Fitting for The-Trip-That-Is-Soon-Approaching!

Life's meaning won't be found in human words, so often full of rage,
apology and grim regret. It's found instead in silence -- speechless, breathless,
in the summer rain, the rustle of leaves in the wind, a child playing with a dog,
a hawk soaring in the sun, a moonlit walk at midnight, when time stops --
when the Earth connects you to her soul, and whispers:
"Love without bounds, open your senses and your heart
and experience the wonder-full and ever-deepening joy
that comes from being one with us -- you're home
and there is nothing here to fear."

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Update - Pictures!

Pictures from our Vegas Spring Break (and more!) can be seen at Flickr. Enjoy! and leave comments if you are so inclined.